I am in the process of scanning in a couple thousand books. Overall the app has worked pretty good, but I have had a few issues with it. Ive learned not to scan in more than 5 or 6 books at time, even though the batch scanning appears to support many more. Occasionally, (as in 3 times out of dozens), the batch scanning process screws up and you lose all your saved scans. That was annoying. Also when you encounter a duplicate book a few times it wouldnt let me skip past that to the next scanned bar code, so I would have to cancel and then rescan the remaining codes. And the last issue I encountered the app appeared to crash completely, and then when I restarted it it said "upgrading database" and from what I could tell it lost the last several books I had scanned. :-( Thats annoying because I am sorting these books into boxes by author, and I had no way to figure out which were the latest ones scanned.
Having said all of that I still like the app, I just dont trust it. Every time I am done doing a large batch of scanning I email myself a copy of the database, and then verify that I can open the list in excel. I really like that its been good for finding any book I can scan the bar codes on, and for the most part it finds any older book that has an ISBN number. Ive only had about 1% fail to be found, and those were all very old books.
tedssddd about iBookshelf, v2.13.3